EP: 179 The Big Leap, Part 3

In this week’s episode, The Big Leap, Part 3 we are continuing the journey with The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks and we are talking about the methods of self sabotage.
01:31 The Ultimate Life Tool
I've been thinking a little bit about that zone of genius (as we have been discussing in this current series) and just how instructive The Ultimate Life Tool can be for that.
I was thinking about it for myself actually, and I was like, wow, you know, it really shows you so much of how you're built and what your natural styles are. And what I've noticed about that is everybody will have access to several different styles. But what's unique about it is you won't ever be in two styles at once.
02:58 Upper Limiting
So we're going to roll through these and just talk about them. It’s not an exhaustive list, but this is going to give some really good indicators of where to look when they start showing up. First one, worry.
Worrying is usually a sign that we're upper limiting. It is usually not a sign that we're thinking about something useful.
The crucial sign that we're worrying unnecessarily is when we're worrying about something that we have no control over.
03:53 Worry is an Active State
There are times you are gonna have a little worry about life. But also the thing I want everyone to get is that worry is such an active state.
06:14 There is Something You Can Do
Well that is something to be said. Is there something that you can do when you're worried about people or worried about what's going to happen to them?
You can pray, you can meditate, you can do and then you have to get out of your worry.
08:33 Criticism and Blame
The next one we've talked about a lot on this show, criticism and blame.
Get off the blame train.
10:50 A Receiving Problem
The next one he talks about here is deflecting. This is an interesting one. Most of us crimp the flow of positive energy by avoiding it all together. The mechanism we use is what I call deflection. It's so common. We almost take it for granted in human life.
It’s a receiving problem.
14:23 A Cry for More
Sometimes I think the deflecting is a cry for more compliments. It's like “Oh no, it wasn't that good” because we actually want to be fed more.
You know that's an interesting thing that you pointed out, like you want more, but the whole reason you want more is because you're not letting it in.
14:47 Genius Takes a backseat
Oh, the next one. You're going to love this one. Squabbling.
Arguments are one of the most common ways of bringing yourself down. When you've hit your upper limit, when things are going well, you can crimp the flow of positive energy quickly by starting a conflict, then the conflict develops a life of its own.The net effect, you drop back down into your zone of competence or zone of excellence. Genius takes a backseat.
15:28 All of these are Distractions
I feel like all of these are distractions because right in front of you is a big leap. And that big leap can be scary. It can be the first unknown. It can be the place where people start judging you or talking or raving about you. But somewhere it's like, ah, I'm not sure, so I'm going to get distracted and start doing these weird things.
25:26 Receiving
We have so many tools Nick mentioned such as The Ultimate Life Tool and Energy Mastery.
Which leads me to my illuminated thought, which I said it earlier, release to receive, but we have to be aware in order to release. And then there's room for receptivity. And in this point, this is receiving your zone of genius.
27:09 Tune in Next Week
Next week we will be bringing a number four in the series, which is going to be a mind bender.
Yeah, it's one that we felt was really important because it's a conversation that people are always having around time and it's a very interesting take on how to work with time.
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